27th feb 2006
Drinks: 0
Binges: 0
ah yes life is back to normal.
driving back from movie went to see wiht Themselves, other aged relative and Himself's HORRENDOUS sister, there was a man splayed across the road. not knocked over, but artistically arranged. or drunk. or suicidal. the sighting of whom was followed by racuous commentary. on the way there i was privy to some flesh trading in the backseat. fascinating it was until digs were made about boy wiht literature background who likes languages and works in spain.
film itself [Taxi 9 2 11] was veyr nice, entertaining - in my opinion the primary object of any film, tight, and in many ways the potboiler all dressed up. must admit John Abraham is officially cute. many greek theatrical elemtns - hubris, fatal flaw, chorus...apparnetly the old formulae work.
all billboards seem to feature pregnant women in white spags of late - until realised they just appear preggers to me, in fact they are as svelte as it goes. hmmmmmm.
big question in life is, after all the talk and walls and careful precaution, did someone sneak in through the back door? or is it just a desperate need to populate something i know is a fantasy with real accessible person?
iPodito ROCKS! yay!
way back from film, with people all tlkaing at once about actors and giving off their determined INFURITATING sut up you dont know a damn thing opinions in htta manner that makes me want to rip own arm off and bludgeon them wiht it, sank into little world of peace wiht iPod. i LOVE having one! at some point was struck by similarity to picture of 13yr old sulkily trapped in car ful of parental-age relatives, and using Walkman as escape route. Quite funny actually, until it hit me - im not 13, im 23. Something is wrong with that picture.