Saturday, April 29, 2006


This is haiku.
She is shy and intellectual. She will hold back when she's greeting you, but once she likes you, your toes will never cease to be licked.
This is Sudoku. She looks just like her daddy. She's smart and adventurous. if ther eis a new place to be explored or a new person to be sniffed, she's there.

They both come to the whistle now, and most gratifyingly swarm all over us. they are so cut ei havent the words. better pcitures will DEFINITELY follow.

29th April 2006

Cig: 0
Drinks: 0
Binges: 0
Reading: Aztec Autumn - Gary Jennings. i likes. it has an Aztec princess whose name is Améyatl.

mad puppies! within 10 minutes of leash-attaching they will be tangled up in each other and the leashes so they they end up tied toe ach other and with only a 6-inch movement radius! but GOD they are adorable. suku and haku is what they are currently being called. have settled in just great, greet eveyone wiht yelps of joy and depserate attemptd to lick the skin off their feet.

Herself just yelling and has made me forget all i was going to say. you lucky sods...but it will come back never fear.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

2.24pm and 39 degrees

Puedo escribir los versos más felízes esta tarde, pero entonces no me van a leer ustedes, no?

Therefore, here, for your edification my best beloveds, are some lyrics i love. dont ask me why i just do.

  • "You'll be sorry when I'm dead, all this guilt will be on your head"
  • "Hello lamp-post, what you knowing, I've come to watch your flowers growing, Ain't you got no rhymes for me"
  • "He met another Mary, who for a reasonable fee, Less than reputable was known to be"
  • "If I had a million dollars, I'd buy you a green dress, but not a real green dress - that's cruel"
  • "Ninaivae ninaivae, undhan nenjoadu niraindhuvittaen; kanavae kanavae, undhan kannoadu karaindhuvittaen"
  • "No pido que todos los viernes, sean de fiesta"
  • "She whispered softly, to tell a story, about how she had been wronged"
  • "O Lucifer, o laisse-moi rien qu'une fois, glisser mes doigts dans les cheveux d'Esmeralda"
  • "Juliet says hey it's Romeo you nearly gimme me a heart attack; he's underneath the window she's singing hey la my boyfriend's back"
  • "En los dias de dolor siente mi amor, que vendra con el viento, que vendra con el sol."
  • "I bet you need - more than you mind"
  • "Quién sangró tus labios y tu credo, por qué lo permitiste angel de amor?"
  • "In Europe and America, there's a growing feeling of hysteria; conditioned to respond to all the threats of the rhetorical speeches of the soviets"
  • "One sweet dream, came true, today"

ok i'll stop now...

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

26th April 2006

Cigs: 1
Drinks: 0
Binges: 0
Reading: Trading up - Candace Bushnell. such pointlessness. really, it cld and shld have been written in about 150 pages instead of the 400 odd it is. still ploughing on wiht Mystery of Capital.

Puppies arrived today! much excitement. one looks like a rotweiler, leading me to think their daddy was one. other is more normal black and brown. both girls, as Herself wanted. currneltyy call them widdle and whine. lol.

Went swimming two days in a row! wheeeee! still cant do the breaststroke, i suppose am not ergonomically designed for it. but i tell you kids today! actually poeple in pools today! they see a perosn coming but they wont wait to head off and splash, causing said perosn to pull up abruptly. splash splash splash. kick kick kick. not one of them will ever say sorry! my god when i was a kid id have been smacked if id behaved like that in a pool! i mean it was sacrilege to ge tin the way of a grownup doing lengths, and unpardonable if we were goofing around instead of swimming ourselves. sheh. SMACK EM ALL I SAY!

carry on then

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Song for the Asking

Some people stay far away from the door
If there's a chance of it opening up
They hear a voice in the hall outside
And hope that it just passes by

Some people live with the fear of a touch
And the anger of having been a fool
They will not listen to anyone
So nobody tells them a lie

I know you're only protecting yourself
I know you're thinking of somebody else
Someone who hurt you
But I'm not above
Making up for the love
You've been denying you could ever feel
I'm not above doing anything
To restore your faith if I can

Some people see through the eyes of the old
Before they ever get a look at the young
I'm only willing to hear you cry
Because I am an innocent man
I am an innocent man
Oh yes I am

Some people say they will never believe
Another promise they hear in the dark
Because they only remember too well
They heard somebody tell them before

Some people sleep all alone every night
Instead of taking a lover to bed
Some people find that it's easier to hate
Than to wait anymore

I know you don't want to hear what I say
I know you're gonna keep turning away
But I've been there and if I can survive
I can keep you alive
I'm not above going through it again
I've not above being cool for a while
If you're cruel to me I'll understand

Some people run from a possible fight
Some people figure they can never win
And although this is a fight I can lose
The accused is an innocent man
I am an innocent man
Oh yes I am
An innocent man

You know you only hurt yourself out of spite
I guess you'd rather be a martyr tonight
That's your decision
But I'm not below
Anybody I know
If there's a chance of resurrecting a love
I'm not above going back to the start
To find out where the heartache began

Some people hope for a miracle cure
Some people just accept the world as it is
But I'm not willing to lay down and die
Because I am an innocent man

I am an innocent man
Oh yes I am
An innocent man

Monday, April 24, 2006

24th April 2006

Happy berfday yesterday mommmyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Cigs: 0
Drinks: 0
Binges: pineapple upside-down cake, walnut tarts, fig and honey ikeeeeem
Reading: bridget jones: the edge of reason


right, got that out.

so what a weekend. random friend from college lands up, much madness, tho to give her her due she didnt insist it accompany her to golconda fort for the 15th time. terrible timing cos Hisself being out of town, Roxy was all mine, BUT i cldnt drive cos of fucking cannula. which is GONE!!!!! GONE GONE GONE!!! I'M FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE oh the joy of being two-handed again! eating normally not wiht some stupid bowl and spoon like some idiotic angrez ki aulad.
and i miss ER. i have withdrawal symptoms.
the broken-leg fainting girl dude from riany day was discharged. i met the girl in the foyer and intrudiced myself as "i was sitting in the Er and wanted to help you" turns out they were crossing the road and an auto hit them!!! and the boy's leg has compound fractures AND a piece of metal embedded in it! !!!!!!
yest morning there was a heart patient there at 630am. and dr. naseer asleep wiht his head on his desk, the idiot male nurse and one un identified nurse asleep in the pantry and incompetent anitha gave me my shot.
cannual out poaniulessly!! *shock* praise be sister sultana!! and fare ye well meena chechi, shirinanamma, dr. naseer, sister sultana, cute-doc-whose-name-i-don't-know, idiot male nurse and incompetent anitha.

Family dinner last night at club, Himself being annoying as usual. sigh. why??? poor Herself, budday dinner and all and there he is growling for god knows WHAT reason and then yelling at me becaus ei let out involuntary lous wanring cos Herself was going to tip a glass over. *rolls eyes* ah fmailies. i cant take him anywhere. *shakes head sadly* delightful fig and honey ikeem, this strawberry we bought seems not as good. what is it about honesy and ikeem? *drool*

aerboics again!!! after THREE WEEKS!!! oh JOY!!! am bursting wiht endorphins...also helped by current state of gen Silly-Grin-on-Face-itis, AND fact that hair is now PROPERLY washed! *double joy*

Thursday, April 20, 2006

20th April 2006

Happy budday SAJ's mum!

that said

Drinks: 0
Binges: cheese sandwiches... and too muhc khichdi for lunch
Reading: done with pistols for two - georgette heyer...ah how i love her. started 'and god created the au pair' - benedicte newland and pascale smets. hilarious. had nurse going why are you laughing [in mallu accent of course] at evening injection.

HSP has hooked up with my dear friend, whom we shall refer to as the lioness from now on. dont know if im taking it badly yet. will find out. floaty cushion seems to be holding up. not like i really had a shot anyway. not like im interested anymore! only bit that catches is fact of how beautifully it fits pattern. ok maybe i am taking it a teeeny bit badly. lol

in other news, tried different hospital since its closer but no no no i need my meena chechi! doctor in ER again, only he was wearing the exact same clothes as 2 days ago, AND was mean and told me to stand outside when there were only 2 patients! ive sat int here wiht 5 patients and total madness, and today its empty and quiet and he makes me wait outside! hmph.

nice eve at club wiht char, discovered silly book on astrology and numerology that had me giggly over the happy conjunction of certain dates.

Herself drove down to meet me after m injection and we proceeded to get kathi rolls from a roadside place, a branch of our usual ladies night dinner joint, and then devour them wiht muhc finger-licking delight, to huge amusement of cook and Herself's mum, since the day Hisself is off to madras or something, the two of us are eating roadside food and silly stuff. tomorrow we do pizza! yeaaaa!

achievement of day: washing hair wiht only one hand. DAMN its heavy. and oo oo oo i also managed to like play wiht my template!!! still cant figure out how to get a bkgd image tho

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


the UK Times saturday magazine is running an article on the cloud appreicaiotn society and they are using my photograph! not on the cover as i hoped for but! yay!

19th April 2006

Cigs: 1 at last!
Drinks: 0
Binges: 0

this morning i woke up and it was foggy. on the 19th of April. mango season. *shakes head* madness! when the doc told me last eve that i have to keep the cannula on til sunday night, all i wanted was a LARGE whiksey on the rocks, a pack of menthols and some nice sympathetic company. what i got was dinner at parental friends' house. they have this GIANT labrador pup, hes only 7 months old but he's larger than most labs ive seen in india. and madly unruly. they better trian him or hes going to go totally ntus. and thye wont train him either, theyre the kind that spoils their dogs. their last one died of heart failure at 6. also a lab. but that said, buddy is just soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo aodrbale! either that or i jsut miss doggy love. sigh. i want a doggy! unconditonal tlc! *bliss*

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

18th April 2006

scary thing of the day:
my Horrorscope said: A powerful need to reach someone, either for business or personal reasons, could have you spending a lot of time on the phone that may come to nothing, dear Cancer. You might find yourself calling every place where this person could possibly be, and this could prove frustrating. Your friend may be away, so don't try too hard to reach him or her right now. Leave a message or two and let this person call you back. Then find something else to distract you.

theyre stalking me!!

Funny thing of the day:

Babble of the day: Mientras seguiré pensando en nuestro encuentro imaginario, te besaré como nadie en este mundo te besó, te amaré con el cuerpo con la mente con la piel y el corazon, [ven] pronto te esperamos, mi soledad y yo...

Monday, April 17, 2006

17th April 2006

Cigs: 0
Drinks: 0
Binges: 0
Reading: nothing. in between books. the tom holt was not that good. boring after a point. probably going to start the shadow fo the king - helen horlicks. well ok it is probably hollicks.

the nets been acting iffy. noone cares how i am! least not nuf to ask. cept IWG and char course. mah gals. muahs. went to shots early today in hope that wldnt have to sit an hour in the ER watching emergencies flow in and out. feel like i know the nurse so well i shal call her meena chechi instead of sister. lol. i should actually describe the ER last night. it was a ballet! fabulous! mindblowing! etc...but...nah.

the book everyone shoudl read: the shadow of the wind by carlos ruiz zafon. BRILLIANCE!! fabulosity!!!! ouch ok vein hurt from enthusiastic tapping of 1 key. hmmm sigh i shld sign off possibly. right then. the OC calls!

Sunday, April 16, 2006

16th April 2006

Cigs: 0
Drinks: 0
Binges: 0
Reading: Olympiad - Tom Holt

done with some trash me mum picked up and onto trash i picked up. snh snh snh.

it rained, and so we are plunged into exquisite hyderabad weather. it feels like its july. funnily tv is full of ads for acs andthey seem so pointless! watching shrek 2...oh god how i LOVE that film!!! and puss in boots. oh god he's so adorable i could die. and the purr on the soundtrack combined with the weather and long convo this afternoon has MinCat purring! yay! after the horrendous day i had yesterday.

Herself and I took Nona [Herself's mum] to the club to sit down and chill in a new setting. muhc fun. tri-generational bonding and whatnot. also little baby of cousin chewing on things. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. ever since i can remember Nona's had this thing about putting her hair up in a chignon in the evenings. as kids we'd watch open mouthed and fascinated and prompty try and do it to our short hair. muhc hilarity. its a bit of a ritual. she always did it. and ive never ever ever seen her go out wiht one hair out of place. and now, at 82, it broke my heart to see it lopsided and loose with bits of hair coming out.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

15th April 2006

among my various claims to fame lie the photograph in a gallery at the Cloud Appreciation Society[link] which might go on the front cover of the magazine section of the UK times on the 22nd of april, and the rather nauseatingly hallmark poem that was supposed to be published at some point. thinking about this led me to actually reread the threadbare collection of my poems i still have, and i have come ot the conclusion that i did write nice enough love poetry....when i was most definitely not in love. wiht anyone. huh. does that happen a lot?

back home after bombay, a definitely awful trip till wednesday evening whereupon it became magical for 8 hours and then quickly got on with getting over. cut short by boil trouble; i now have another cannula. bright side: on the back of my hand, wiht a good nurse who refused to heed my hysterical pleas and stuck it in right, so it felt like an injection and not a skewer. still hurts to type a lot though.

room is a disaster area, cant be bothered to clean it up. cant be bothered to do most anything anymore. bad sign for nyu im sure. i wonder ive gotten so used to academia of the execrable pisspot style, what will i do in the real world? do i remember how to actually put effort into work? time will tell i suppose.

ah it hates me. timing is the single worst thing about my life. well and geography a little bit too. a lot even, cos come to think of it, the cause of internet addiction is merely the fact that tis the only way to delude self into thinking have full healthy life with lots of people and friends and interaction and so on, because the people are far away. of course the scariest part begins when i realise that maybe if geography was working in my favour, things wld still be as nebulous as they are, leaving me to deal with reality of source of problem - me. so perhaps i wont curse geography so much.

going to flunk spanish exam. cant be bothered to study. cant concentrate. shouldnt have chosen higher level. damn. fools rush in... that such a fabulous movie. it might even be my favourite. if i could bring myself to commit to something so momentous as a favourite movie. *shudder* the very thought!

right instead of spiralling into my favourite little pit of futility im off to clean room and find flowers to put in it...who says you cant give yourself flowers!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

12th April 2006

Cigs: 8
Drinks: 2
Binges: 0
Reading: Notes from a small island - bill bryson

i dunno if its the reread or what but he's really really being a drag. im not laughing at ALL.

headed back home tomorrow, slight boil crisis.

met ex of good friend yest, its so so sad to see what a good person can do to another good person. i mean shes not a bad person but my god the way she changed him by dumping him.

also literally bumped into little boys form college, to muhc excitement of IWG, who insisted on saying hi even though *I* was on roaming, and no real reaction from them. sigh. *bang* there went that balloon

many other sillysophical thoughts came to me but i cant remember them. im sick and cranky and barely anyone is enthu im here. i want my mommy. and apollo. and dry weather. and for this migraine to GO AWAY. *sniffle*

Monday, April 10, 2006

10th april 2006

cigs: many
drinks: 2, one fabulous strawberry daiquiri
binges: er.....

bbay. HOT. HUMID. ANNOYING. but. nice food. hehehe. its been a nice enuf trip so far. cept for one person getting annoyingly obnoxious and me taking the train in the wrong direction once. what moe to say? cybercafes wiht bad keyboard ANNOY me

Thursday, April 06, 2006

6th April 2006

oh the irony

story so far: bbay trip planned, bike trip proposed, unexpected encouragement form family leads to bike trip being chosen, preparations made, boil appears wiht attendant cannula and IV and whatnot, nailbiting evening resulting in final ok from doc and joyous departure for friend's house to get ready, no sleep from excietement, finally all prepped we leave at 430am.

450am, auto swerves right across road from extreme left to make a u-turn, mouth open i watch as A hits it, turns in a somersault and lands on problematic back. Much altercation, drama and time later, i'm back home. safe. entirely in one piece. extremely worried about A, his back and inside his head. but find self trapped and shut out...maybe shut in.

blinking cursor....

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Canula Chronicles

ah what a day. successful accomplishment of 9 errands. unnerving and frankly scary medical situation, currently onehanded due to presence of canula on left wrist which hurts like fuck and thus splint as well to prevent movemnet, they tried baqck ofh and but nope my veins there dont woirk, why summat supposed to make life easier hurts so much i dont know. vein throbbing in strong protest against antibiotics being injected. serves me right for gloating over trip i suppose. the suspense mounts, will i go?? we'll find out on wednesday evening, the last possible moment. most unnervng at present is the way when i see it out of corner of ye it looks like pivk plastic bit sticking out of bandage is actually blood.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

2nd April 2006

Cigs: 14
Drinks: 4
Binges: fries
Reading: Spartan - valerio massimo manfredi

i have a pattern it seems, you can tell when ive been dirnking out. lol. well party began with total justification of my bad feeling cos the bowling alley was closed and most ppl didnt show on time so surprise was muted. he seemed to like it though. and we had fun. only it was a lot harder than i expected. and desipte a nice fun evening of conversation, good music, good company and compliments, i drove home in tears and went to bed with a colossal headache. havent woken up this muted in a long time. thats a nice word, muted. sigh. well elast i get to go on a bike trip.