Tuesday, May 30, 2006

C-7 summit: the black hole of loooooooooooooooooooove

She is down for a coupla weeks and so far alles gut. huh. also down last weekend were all the maternal cousins. now this is somehting that hasnt happened in a long time, the seven of us under one roof at one time. Eldest had also smuggled [i use the word deliberately, since he told noone she was coming and if Second-Youngest hadn't blabbed it might have been an awkward weekend] his spanking new surpise-to-universe fiancee to join us.

but let us begin at the beginning. which is a little before the actual summit began. friday night saw reunion with lifesaver friends who had run off to the andamans in august last year; twas our first outing, to our usual shady haunt, in over 6 months. saturday morning saw MinCat rising blearily at 6am and staggering downstairs to demand tea. after waking up she decided not to awaken She cos just perhaps she was sleeping off her jetlag. but, 3 min to departure and She wakes up all by her ownsome and we head off to the station. some juggling of the car in the parking lot and a small circuit of the station results in pickup of E, SY and fiancee. SY is now some 7ft tall and shaves, to MinCat's extreme shock, since it merely forces her to accept her own state of decrepitude. you see, she toilet trained him and taught him to read. well honestly, MinCat was more the able assistant of She in the process.

Upon arrival at Chez MinCat, bathroom negotiations commenced and She and Herself left to get the next batch from the station: Youngest and Third-Youngest. FYI MinCat is Middle and She is Second-Eldest. in their absence, Third-Eldest showed up and began distibuting largesse which incluses giant pencils, a ball that laughs manically [yes yes snigger snigger] and several books, two destined for MinCat [YAY!!! we loves you TE!!]. Second batch return and atlast all the rogues are together in the same place. the madness begins.

to spare our sensitive readers we shall draw a discreet veil over the proceedings of the rest of the weekend, merely stating that it included one hilarious game of dumb charades, younger siblings vs elder ones with SY hopping teams at will, and later a visit to local cinema to regale ourselves with the glory that is 36 China Town and generally behave like hooligans, followed by the Incident of the Lizard in the car on the way home.

a truly well spent weekend.

Saturday, May 27, 2006


Sometimes i ache
For the weight
Of another person

I lie awake
And wait
For the air to thin
My heart to slow
Jaws to ease
So I can breathe
And fall into sleep

Monday, May 22, 2006


i had a dream about you the other night.
i was asleep and you came upto me and wrapped yourself around me so that when i woke up i was enveloped in you.
it made me smile, in my sleep.
so that when i woke up bereft i was disconsolate.

one more whiskey, one more cup of tea, one more night like that, no? it would have made all the difference.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

20th May 2006

Cigs: meh...
Drinks: [on the 17th] 4 whiskeys, 3 margaritas, 2 smirnoff-baileys-kaluah cocktails, 2 tequila shots
[on the 16th] 3/5ths of a bottle of rhododendron wine
Binges: :D

Total weight lost since december: 11kilos [wooooooooooooooooooooooo]

Read: Books 1 and 2 of the wild mage series - tamora pierce; books 1, 2 and 4 of the lady knight series - tamora pierce; books 1, 2 and 3 of the alanna series - tamora pierce; nightwatch - pratchett.

Weepy chick flick nights: 1

Extreme cathartic crying: 2 hours

Allergies to cats: 1 *weeps*

Impending visits by sister: 1 *apprehensive*

Darling beloved friends coming back home: 1 *whooopeeeee* *jig of joy*

Rooms to clean: 2 - mine and sister's

Mad cousin weekends scheduled: 1

Skirts bought for self: 5

Skirts bought for other people: 6

Events Managing: 1 - cousin weekend that will include the first fiancee of the lot

Puppies growing at alarming rate who will pee from joy at sight of moi: 2

Photographs taken of moi against will: several. available at IWG and Kas


Sunday, May 14, 2006

14th may 2006

cigs: good god im in delhi what do you think?
drinks: 8
binges: hahahaha nothing but
reasing: in the hand of the goddess - tamora pierce

ms. stein had me branded a spam blog!!!!

here i is wiv my beloved dragon. have bought half of janpath and most of sarojini nagar. had my heart broken. learnt that intuition and strong deep-seated feelings are as mythical as the golden fleece. shld probably call the shrink again. actually DANCED at bacchus! smoked far too muhc, sang loudly and badly, stayed up till 2 and slept till 11. hung out again, like old times only better cos no baggage.
busy weekend wldnt ya say?

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Shantata Court Chalu Aahe

i seem unable to write. every day i read and the more i read the less i can write. dont get me wrong im not saying i ever could write spectacularly well or anything, but i did manage to actually articulate things. it was more than a blinking cursor. perhaps this is just a corollary of the ban on thinking. ya think? but theres all this inside i need to have out and i dont know where to find the means and see cliches. the boogie-woogie pendulum syndrome(TM). the disjointedness of all of it. nothing actually has any chronology, albeit achronological, where is the teleological movement? step out of the narrative river that is life, and then you can narrate it, submerge yourself and you cannot. how many words is this? a hundred? i still havent said a thing. i start to post 5 -6 times a day. and i hit cancel. i type and i type and i type and nothing comes out. a prof i had said that when one is writing one shld start writing and when one has come to the end one will knwo what one wants to say. then start over. its not working. the bell jar? hernando de soto? leather jackets, language exams, messy rooms, i dont care, swing swing swing, crash into this side crash into that, can you hear me? do i exist? bear witness to me!trader joe's opened in nyc, bizarre movie on tv, F.R.I.E.N.D.S. - something makes sense, feed the puppies, the gas heart, fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you just fucking fuck off, dosomethingdosomethingdosomethingdosomethingdosomethingdosomethingdosomethingdosomething, cant be bothered cant be bothered cant be bothered, a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose is a 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Monday, May 08, 2006

Ladies, Spread your legs!

ah aerobics...

funnily enough, after years of having it screamed at me and coaxed at me and generally said to me, i do get all endorphined by aerboics. though often enough its cos of the hilarious things we do and say in the name of body conditioning. and sometimes cos im lecchhing at karen. the slogan for these people is, change your life. a more apt one i cannot think of, in my case atleast, dinaz has changed my life. apart form the nice people and the ac workoutroom, its just nice you know, gives my sad and pointless life some routine, somewhere i see other people on a daily basis. nice.

today however we had stupid incompetent substitute instructor who knew less about what she was doing that moi who has been doing it only 3 months. sheh.

ima miss this when i leave.

now, tis time for a poll. the next level french class is from 7-9am, and having done it for 2 months, the idea does not appeal in the least. shld i ditch it then?

Thursday, May 04, 2006

5th May 2006

ever have those mornings when you wake up with a weight on your head? i hate those. mornings are sacrosanct, no fighting, no nitpicking, just calm appreication of a new day. no matter how bad my day is going to be, my morning is usually calm, tranquil and refreshed. which is why i absolutely loathe these past few mornings, when ive woken up with burning eyes and a heavy head, no smile and drooping shoulders. it simply removes all ability i might have to actually do anything. what do i do? i dont know. there is something just so enervating about waking up exhausted. and all i want to do ic crawl back under the sheet and curl up and there and die. though this morning could be because there was no electricity from 1030 to 430 and the puppies would NOT stop yowling and yelping all night.

Monday, May 01, 2006

1st May 2006

Cigs: many
Drinks: 0
Binges: ice cream and cake for breakfast
Reading: the Dirk Gently Omnibus - Douglas Adams
Kilometres driven: 230

What a mad day. impromptu road trip planned last night. chosen destination problematiseed because of naxal 9?) kidnapping of tourist, last minute change and we had a different desitnaiton. got called at 1200 am by Friend-Who-Was-In-Accident-Last-Time: Cant you see the signs? its just like last time. we ignored them last time you know. me: um.....come ON!!! signs are there to be seen and interpreted as you want...besides its is different. long conversation later he washed his hands off me as an unbeliever. this morning, V was asleep. we started an hour late. on the road see a sign to dommakonda fort, deicde to head ther.e it turns out to be exquisite. and brilliant PR by Friend-Who-Was-In-Accident-Last-Time resulted in us bieng allowed to chill inside this exquisite haveli, and snort and snigger over visual conjured up by caretaker's reaction to the small amount of vandalism there: nanga maekede. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

photographs will not be forthcoming, unfortunately, cept those taken on V's camera-phone, because STUPIC MinCat left her camera at Well-Preserved-Friend's house last night.