9th october 2006
drinks: um....2.
Cigs: 0
Binges: shhhhhhhh
sitting here in shock, tuesday's work done on monday!!!!!!!! spent time chilling all day. did three loads of laundry. made lunch and now dinner. awaitng flatmate-return to devour said dinner. it looks gross, but tastes yum. overall swing in good direction, no? what ARE they doing in the gym at 915pm?????
weekend fab again, drove up to ithaca to see fal colours and stay wiht parents of friend of friend lovely time, nice fotos, post will follow. of fotos i mean so dont getcher hopes up.
paunch displaying alarming tendency to stick out. sigh, no more junkfood. EXERCISE every day. well we'll see how tomorrow goes, tis the hardest one inolving wakng up at 7am. gah.
guess who called to made a dancing date? *grin* no no hold yer hosses, its a dancing date. shush misha. no really. SHUSH
ok off to do some desultory something. see this is why i dont post anymore :)
Mybe youll be... ahem dancing in the dark?
*raises suggestive eyebrow*
Glad life is good for you.
OY! Why are you commenting on Jonny B's blog, but not on mine? Especially when I'm in pain and need sympathy.
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