Thursday, April 27, 2006

2.24pm and 39 degrees

Puedo escribir los versos más felízes esta tarde, pero entonces no me van a leer ustedes, no?

Therefore, here, for your edification my best beloveds, are some lyrics i love. dont ask me why i just do.

  • "You'll be sorry when I'm dead, all this guilt will be on your head"
  • "Hello lamp-post, what you knowing, I've come to watch your flowers growing, Ain't you got no rhymes for me"
  • "He met another Mary, who for a reasonable fee, Less than reputable was known to be"
  • "If I had a million dollars, I'd buy you a green dress, but not a real green dress - that's cruel"
  • "Ninaivae ninaivae, undhan nenjoadu niraindhuvittaen; kanavae kanavae, undhan kannoadu karaindhuvittaen"
  • "No pido que todos los viernes, sean de fiesta"
  • "She whispered softly, to tell a story, about how she had been wronged"
  • "O Lucifer, o laisse-moi rien qu'une fois, glisser mes doigts dans les cheveux d'Esmeralda"
  • "Juliet says hey it's Romeo you nearly gimme me a heart attack; he's underneath the window she's singing hey la my boyfriend's back"
  • "En los dias de dolor siente mi amor, que vendra con el viento, que vendra con el sol."
  • "I bet you need - more than you mind"
  • "Quién sangró tus labios y tu credo, por qué lo permitiste angel de amor?"
  • "In Europe and America, there's a growing feeling of hysteria; conditioned to respond to all the threats of the rhetorical speeches of the soviets"
  • "One sweet dream, came true, today"

ok i'll stop now...


Blogger saturn air jam said...

Ok I know a few of these: Sting, Simon & Garfunkel, Dire Straits... um, that's it.

11:22 PM  
Blogger MinCat said...

eses come come lovey, theres more you know...the beatles, the police, dmb, matchbox20

9:39 PM  

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