30th December 2005
Drinks: 2
Binges: 0
first lemme warn ye all that im doin a copy-paste post after that babble, cos its my end of the year post. that said, was at dear friend's wedding last night, didnt knwo a soul, was kindly adopted by old firend of dear friend, but was sadly bored nd v sleepy from not having slept on train prev night from forgttgin to take socks and thusly having cold feet. :D that wedding was strange. it seemed to have a lot of hindu customs moulded into the mallu christian ceremony, with the pastor taking of the "indian" way of thought of diving life into 4 bits and what not when he was actually expounding vedanta, which is not indian but distinctly hindu! huh. strange. then he tlaked at lenght about an owl, a donkey and a dog. and there was muhc sitting and standing and whatnot. the strangest thing bout the wedding was how EVERYONE saving yrs truly and one other person, EVERY SINGLE PERSON i met there was married. gorgeous, stunning, hot as hell, successful, looking 23 and married. it was suddenly on planet of what are YOU doign wiht YOUR life then eh?
but twas lovely. am so glad i was able to be there at such an important moment in the life of someone important to me. now we ca proceed
Yes I know, its early. What can I say, after today I hope to have neither the time nor the inclination to blog! Well my best beloveds, welcome to the end-of-the-year post. Thanks for sticking it out. And no thats not propwhoredom, I really mean it.
I cant say it turned out as expected.
"if beginnings are anything to go by then this year shld be VERY diff from last. Cos it began in laughter and companionship and love, not tears and heartbreak"
Well I've had my share of tears, and plenty of heartbreak. Only I think it matters less now. I've had the (in)famous crisis of faith. 've done some things I can now cross off my list ;) I've held a job. Quit again. Realised more and more how much I have to be grateful for the women in my world. The men...some I adore, most give me a colossal amount of stress. Some are worth it, most aren't. My family: my sister said, when I called her on Christmas "thanks for calling me sweetie, it was so nice of you" or words to that effect. Especially after New York this year, I'm definitely grateful for that. The rents...I don't know. Found the roots of some of my issues. Found closure, need closure. So what are the bullets then?
I'm thankful for
* Sting concert!
* Europe and Umreeka
* Charmaine and Usha
* Misha and Preema and Priya
* Sachin
* Viveka and Osho and Aleya
* Bbay trip
* [If I get it] the job
* Arjun
* blogger.com
* White wine and Rioja
* The secbad club and the sailing annexe
* Fmb
* Adit
* Anand
* Spanish
* German class
* Roxy!
* Winter
* PCOS and the wake up call it gave me.
* Gayathri
Well my lovelies, though there's much more and I'd love to stay and babble, I have to pack and I'm leaving in an hour!
Have a happy one, all of you.
And anyone in Goa...ima be there toooooooo!!!!