Thursday, December 22, 2005

22nd December 2005

Cigs: 0
Drinks: 0 [being remedied as i type]
Binges: chips chips chips

well Hisself and Herself are off to Chennai. Thank God. Some peace. their last trip out they forgot the gate-key and Hisself had to perform acrobatic feast of jumping gate, which has induced such paranoia as to leave me back at square 1 as far as being in the house while it runs itself goes. After ALL the hard work i put in. sigh.

Herself performed fantastic feat. Seasoned traveller that she is, esp by train, she carried a bottle of water for the overnight journey. fair enuf. personally i'd just buy it on the train, but hey, to each their own. However. 1. she didnt check to see if it leaked. 2. she used a mismatched cap, a very obviously mismatched cap. and 3. she put it lying down in the boot. result: HIsself's suticase soaked. Hisself cranky cos found cockroach in milk, AND had to drive on off-beaten-track roads, since being man of family cldnt let me do it. ah that mudt be one fun compartment right about now.

one thing ive noticed of late, they seem to be so contrary! they HAVE to disagree. if Herself sez summat, Hisself HAS to put it down and say nonsense. and vice versa. makes conversation very jarring.


Blogger medusa said...

i thot u were at pune

went to tds las nite

wht up with u?

10:10 PM  
Blogger MinCat said...

why wld i be in pune? WHY? esp since i emailed to say i was back in hyd? nothing's up. sparks tomorrow?

10:12 PM  

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