Sunday, June 11, 2006

11th June 2006

Cigs: 8
Drinks: 5
Binges: misture. damn you She, you shlda taken it with you!

its been a while innit? the madness of She's visit is slowly fading. a stunning success, there wasnt a single snarl, forget about a fight. am proud of both of us. hehehe. Herself also making conscious efforts to not pick sides.

so muhc sport around even MinCat watches it now. last night went to easy rider with Dear Friend A, just back from Umreeka. apart from how fabulous it is to have one of those DFs wiht whom interaction ahs been restricted ton online-ness actually around in person, he is also oldest friend period. so we randopmly went out. bitched about respective families, drank a little, marvelled at how everytime we spoke a few sentences we'd miss a saved goal in the trinidad and sweden match, and came home. i didnt have to drive! one of those evenings i dont want to tamper with by trying to describe in present state of extreme inarticulacy. suffice to say i went to sleep wiht a smile on my face, and woke up with a bigger one. tho that cld have been cos got to be lazy lie-abed and ge tup only at 930 as opposed to now normal 6am.

poopoos were bathed yest morning, to their extreme horror. are being the most adorable watchdogs. sleep on doorstep and wuff at everyone. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

currently in very bad state of indecision because stupid fifa site hasnt uploaded fotos of all teams yet and i cant decide which teams to suport in what order!!!! so far theres england with adonis beckham, who counts as 2, and michael owens; theres spain wiht casillas and raul, theres argentina with 2 cutie men, and brazil has one. however, until i see all squads i cannot reahc an informed decision! then there are naturla prejudices, dont want to support the white colonisers, but spain!!! sigh. so hard this is!


Blogger saturn air jam said...

Let it also been known that MinCat mistook Ozzy Osbourne for John Lennon at Easy Rider hehehehehehe... :D

5:02 PM  
Blogger Dave said...

Sorry, what is this football competition of which you speak? Over here we're too busy with the cricket season to take note of winter sports.

Perhaps you should support a team with good players, rather than ones who look cute. If you really must take an interest in such an ill-mannered sport, that is.

6:58 PM  
Blogger Dave said...

Hah! No you didn't, because the names of Beckham and Owen were mentioned, and I seem to remember having heard them in the context of our (post-colonial) national soccer squad. So ya boo sucks, I guessed the post was about football.

10:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do NOT support England (Beckham is overhyped) or Brazil (too cliched). Check out Croatia or Czech Repulic...I am also leaning towards Germany (god knows why!) and Netherlands (because I'm going there and had soft spot for Van Basten) Historically...I love Italy but they're always losing.

5:51 AM  
Blogger MinCat said...

char: oh please! you know i can only truly support a pais hispanohablante. and portuguese is close. anyway the results of yesterday's research and all the thought will be published soon.
germany it seems. bah. racist northwestern europeans. i spits me of them! no warmth in their blood. :D dave excepted of course.

7:28 AM  
Blogger Dave said...

Thank you for that racially steriotyped generalisation. It is nice to know that I'm the once exception in hundreds of millions.

12:40 PM  
Blogger MinCat said...

heee :D we aim to please here at Madperson Laughing

12:50 PM  
Blogger TheDragon said...

The World Cup also has a little bit to do with this strange game called football you know!



*shakes head in despair*

3:00 PM  

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