Thursday, June 01, 2006

Haku-Suku Reloaded

The babes are growing. this morning conversation with Herself was interrupted by some serious wuffing. The irnoning man had come to collect clothes. and they poopoos were up in arms. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. They have come a long way.





Their antics never cease to amuse and aggravate us, from Suku who will NOT stop shitting on the septic tank to Halku who will NOT walk unless she wants to.

The other night i heard a caterwaul and in my paranoia that one of the feral cats thats roams about here had attacked what are, after all, puppies, i went down to check on them, only to find that Madam Suku, upon whom the outside world exercises an irresistible thrall, had wiggled her way under the gate, no mean feat, but in doing so managed to have the bolt fall down and through her collar and then twist it and so was slowly choking to death.
Last night had a nice little ballet with them running out while the car was being backed out and us bumbling about in the dark looking for 2 black puppies at night. their latest trick is running straight AT the car when it comes in, no amount of honking revving or flashing of lights will deter them. when i got home this morning i parked outside, went in, tied em up before i could pull in.

Their adoration for the cook knows no bounds for she feeds them in the morning, and lets them eat immediately unlike evil and cruel Herself and MinCat, doesnt make them sit, hold them back and only after about 30 seconds let them AT the food. However they do sit on demand. its most effective. yell SIT! and plonk. sometimes they sit because they know they'll be petted once they do, and its a better way of getting guaranteed affection than leaping on us.

the most amazing thing is Hisself's delight in their antics.


Blogger TheDragon said...


DUDE!!! so freaking cute!!!

How did all the extended familia react to poopoo's?

4:01 PM  
Blogger saturn air jam said...

ima see them soon!

4:45 PM  
Blogger Dave said...


5:02 PM  
Blogger MinCat said...

A, yes you is! YAY!!!!!

M, they loved em. cept Y who got scared by their cold wet noses. lol.

D, *patpatpatpat*

7:20 PM  
Blogger TheDragon said...


SAJ: I hates you I do!! Gets to see the pooPoo's *mutter mutter*

2:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awwwwww...they've grown sooo big...and sooo cute...I want puppy!

6:19 AM  
Blogger MinCat said...

char: awwwwwwww....youll have dont worry. or better you can coe and visit mine so you dont have to look after them and get too attached. :D

11:56 AM  
Blogger kal said...

cool! doggies!

i love spinn. i wonder when i can get a job that lets me work from home so i can have a pet... :'(

but till then i've got the little deer at the dragon's...

okay, no wv for this one. enough! for one night.

1:50 AM  
Blogger MinCat said...

lol...poopoos are fun cept for the poopoo i warn you. and the drool. and the smell. and bathing them. and trianing them. and listening to them whine and yelp and bark under your window all night.
but then they also pee in delgiht at seeing you, and hop around on hind legs and lick and grovel. so i guess it balances out huh.

11:31 AM  

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