7th July 2006
- i had a dream the other night about a blogger i dont know, occasionally read, and definitely have no interaction with. how scary is that? no there was no sex you dirty people.
- SAJ came over yesterday and then amused me dreadfully by trying tog et out of the car wtih his seatbelt on. *snorts* sorry love, ihaven't anything else to blog about!
- the PooPoos are grwoing madly and going mad. this morning was awakend by positive opera of short sharp barks, leavened by the occasinal snarl.
- does one put fullstops at the end of bulleted sentences or not? i think that the cambridge university press doesnt, but theres some tosh rule about how it depends on whether a bullet is a sentence or not. which apparently means that it wld have to be a sentence wiht all grammatical parts and no shortcuts like leaving out bits which is what one is supppoed to do when one bullets.
- the birds are going mad. and there far too muhc sunshine for july. i object to being blinded by reflected sun at 610am when im brushing my teefs.
- only got 4 more days to be 23. hmmm. is it strange id rather be turning 24 than 21?
- Themselves are really getting me me lately, though it could be the fucking homrones more than just them. cant wait to get out and move to mah cool life in noo yahwk city. oh hush we'll come back here and snigger when the first im homesick and i want my mommmyyyyy post happens ok. till then we smile encouragingly.
- im nowhere near target weight for departure. sigh. and im not really osing weight anymore. AND i simply dont care anymore. what do i do?? this is not good for going away to country of yummy fatty food. course little cousin told me the other day how falafel is health food. in relation to cinnabon im sure it is.
- spent 2 days talking with a new jersey accent cos of aforementioned little cousin and family who were visintg. also climbed a hill wiht a tomb on top and then a gian hill wiht a fort on top on consecutive days. and drove. a lot. want someone to drive me to doc today *whinewhinewhinewhinewhine*
- *whine*
edit: here MinCat's quote of the moment.
Miss Tick sniffed. 'You could say this advice is priceless,' she said. 'Are you listening?'
'Yes,' said Tiffany.
'Good. Now...if you trust in yourself...'
'...and believe in your dreams...'
'...and follow your star...'
'... you'll still get beaten by people who spent their time working hard and learning things and weren't so lazy. Goodbye.'
- The Wee Free Men
I may be computerless on your birthday (going to my mother's to dig up a hedge for her) so ***Happy Birthday!!!***.
Please put this in 'fridge and save for the day.
Question re full stops - bit pointless worrying about proper senetence construction with the spellings being all over the shop, no?
Glad there was no sex involved.
('Senetence' may have been put there quite deliberately to allow you to snigger.)
Anyone know a good proof-reader?
wouldn't have thought to ask about the sex... glad you cleared things up.
so, for bulleted lists, you just leave off the first word?
lets see how long you bother remaining vegetarian...
I cannot agree with that quote for what is the point of succeeding at something that really isn’t you. I think people who just figure lets just work hard, learn and get there often do not stop to ask if they actually want to be where they get to.
Just a thought
Ah cinnabons!
Did I tell ya i tried them cos u were wailing aboiut them so much?
I hope your father reads my blog. he will be so proud.
dave: *snigger* :D im plaing that well huh? ive been wihtout internet ALL WEEKED ARGH!!!! thats THREE WHOLE DAYS!! am slowly slipping back into it. have 2 minutes to go till will and grace.
T: you WLDNT huh. m dreams have been going in very disturbing directions. sigh. what first word? eh? eh? eh? and what do you mean bother reminaing!! hmph. lessee if you can produce non-chewy meat, ill eat it happily then. lol. oh gross gross gross.
mcx: it is called satire. it is funny. it is not to be taken quite that seriously.
mish: you did? awwwwwwwwwww! MUAH
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