Tuesday, November 15, 2005

15th November 2005

Cigs: 3 drags
Drinks: 0
Binges: pasta - but it was dinner... *sheepish grin* and I made it so it was like healthy!

Forgot to mention cuteness of lil kids all dressed in "civil dress" for Children's day! made me all warm and fuzzy and rem excitement of school and programmes and whatnot and teachers pretending to be students etc. lol. sigh. so long ago. lol...kollupaati.

managed to not chat muhc, yay! also did work. terrible headache ho. got to cook! Char came by and we had niuce mad dinner with Herself since Himself is in Chennai. collapsed into bed and refused to wake up til 7 so bunked German, but twas plan. blot on morning was no decoction since Herself forgot to make it before dashed off to badminton, and DIDN'T temme to either! SO HAD TO DRINK INSTANT!!!!!!! the one day was actually home for breffus and the like. c'est la vie i s'pose.

Alors! travailler!


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