Sunday, September 04, 2005

3rd September 2005

Binges - 0
Cigs - manymanymany
Drinks - a quarter of Imperial Blue

ahhhhhhh what a day. think had first hangover of life. very strange. much sleepiness. ate onion rava dosai at work, missed mommy. work was horrible. soooooo sleepy, and book drivig me nuts. urk.

home to growly appa...sigh just cldnt win. saw kaal phaps worst film in history of life, vivek oberoi SUCKS take back everythng good ever said about him, twas all ramu not him in company.

on bright side last ngiht at iras, absolutely brilliant fun, muhc laughets about roposed CV for ajay shld we move there, buy an island and grow poppies cld say 2001-2005 drug lord, and then when we have a tour boat where he wld sing for the tourists intermittenylu vomiting into bucket, cls be 2005-2007 sick boat singer. and so on. trul one of the best times. also the last.

in other news have made decision to drink full quarter of imperial blue not more not less always cos morning after feeling is fabulous. hehehe. and now to sally forth adn clean room. eep!


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